The strategic talk about cash management is partially lip service. Helping businesses manage their money is the world's second oldest profession, but our industry struggles to fully respect and integrate cash management into our core business. if your bank has the stomach for a real cash management strategy, I offer this action plan. [Read more]
Our industry is obsessed with "relationship banking." Well, I have a confession to make: I am an un-bundler. At this moment, I have "relationships" with 14 financial service providers. And I share with everyone around me a common indifference to the notion of a "total financial solutions provider." From an industry standpoint, this concerns me because banks are pinning the industry's future on the expected success of relationship banking. [Read more]
The slow pace of technical innovation in the banking industry has caused a classic "blame game" between bankers and vendors. To put it bluntly, banks think vendors are liars and vendors think banks are stupid. How do we break this stalemate? [Read more]