In politics, very few qualified individuals are willing to subject themselves to the "mud" that is constantly thrown at elected officials. And for much the same reason, fewer and fewer bankers are gutsy enough to initiate and lead projects. [Read more]
In July 1990, management guru Michael Hammer sent an urgent message to corporate America: "Don't automate, obliterate!" This message sparked what became known as the reengineering revolution. More than a decade later, reengineering has petered out, but out in the trenches, banks appear ready to take another hard look at their processes and learn from the past. [Read more]
Most of the nation’s 10,000 banks and thrifts should aggressively begin efforts to help America's consumers kick their debt addiction. For most banks, the economic loss of not trying to pump more debt into plastic-bloated consumers will not be deadly and may be the best door opener for new investment and insurance services. [Read more]