The FDIC's First Quarter 2001 report on the banking industry reveals an alarming issue: revenue growth is simply anemic. Certainly, the revenue pressures in the first quarter were due to the fact that the banking industry experienced its sixth straight decline in net interest margin and now stands at the lowest net interest margin levels in almost 15 years [Read more]
For bankers and bank technologists, it's important to put every number we hear into perspective. Statistics quoted in the "thousands" and "millions" tend to exaggerate the impact of a technology. Therefore, I have scoured the Net and research journals to provide Gonzo readers with a quick scan of how folks are really using new technology and delivery channels. [Read more]
The April 2001 issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin has an important study on the small business marketplace. Instead of reading a dry, analytic piece from the guys who think “Greenie” Greenspan is a party animal, let me give you the Gonzo abbreviated version. [Read more]