Banks that haven’t thought about debit trends and proactive efforts to increase usage should put it on the management agenda. Anything that increases customer satisfaction because of its convenience and creates revenue for the bank makes for one of the few “win win” opportunities out there. [Read more]
Whatever the motivation, many banks have online deposit account opening on their minds, which puts it front and center for your telepathic, eager to please and willing-to-opine-on-anything-never-mind-the-topic Gonzo homeboys in Scottsdale. So, let’s take a look at the early entrant vendors in this area and the issues banks will need to address. [Read more]
One of the keys to superior service is integrated delivery – common sales, information and service systems that allow every employee in the bank to see the transaction and contact history of any customer from any delivery point. In the spirit of adding value in the banking arena, the Gonzo team has prepared a self-assessment test to see how your integrated customer delivery strategies rank. [Read more]