I've never been in a bank where the CEO tells me how wonderful information technology is performing at his institution. The problem is that the CEO and the CIO are unable and apparently unwilling to work out the level at which they can effectively communicate. Here are some tips on "jump starting" the communication breakdown. [Read more]
These days, in almost any bank holding company over $1 billion - and in many between $200 million and $1 billion - it is common to see non-bank subsidiaries. In most cases, the bank is the major sub and has the lion's share of the technology budget and staff, but what is the role of the bank's MIS group in managing technology across the entire holding company? [Read more]
Microsoft is once again openly flexing its muscles in the wake of a favorable court decision. The victim(s)? Everyone using any new Microsoft product that is subject to the new software licensing process being introduced this year. What this likely means for corporations is much larger fees for the use of the Windows operating systems and the Office suite of products. [Read more]