Proudly display your support of GonzoBanker and show the world you’re not afraid to step off the beaten path!
Keep it hot in a cool, Made in the USA mug! Contact us to get yours.
There are many ways to be the proud owner of a GonzoBanker t-shirt. Earn it, beg for it, trade something for it… you can even steal one if you play your cards right. Of course, you can always take the easy way out and just fork over the cash. The choice is yours:
Earn it
Submit something that you think merits publishing on our site – your own “observation, rumination, prediction or random thought” – and if we agree, you get a shirt. The sky’s the limit and we welcome your creativity, but please try to have it at least remotely relevant to the financial services industry. Be forewarned: we profess to apply neither standards nor objectivity to our decision making process. Earn a shirt
Trade something for it
Got anything of value – intrinsic, perceived or otherwise – that we might want? Offer it up and we’ll see if it’s worth losing our shirt over. Trade for a shirt
Steal it
GonzoBankers are on the road a lot, and they never leave home without their GonzoBanker t-shirts. Figure out how to lift a shirt from a visiting consultant’s hotel room or hey – just nab it off his back. This one costs you nothing… so long as you don’t get caught.
Buy it (our personal favorite)
Haven’t got an opinion, an original thought or a creative bone in your body? Just buy the shirt. Wearing this heavy-weight, 100% cotton shirt is sure to make you strut your stuff with a whole new ‘tude – even if you weren’t clever enough to think of any other way to come by it except with cold hard cash. Buy a shirt